The thing about life and choices. There are two schools of thought when it comes to choices. The first school believes that there will always be better out there, a better partner, a better paying job and even a better life hence, they are always ready to jump ship at the first opportunity they get. They don’t stop to consider the cons just the pros. Better looking partner, better paying job, oh look better house without considering issues such as yes this is a better looking partner but is this person right for you? Is this person a good person? In years to come will this person make you happy? Getting a job offer is not binding until you accept to take said job, because it pays better does not mean it will take you higher. Is this job in line with your career goals? Will it make you a better person and give you a better quality of life? In the next ten years will you be happy still doing this job? Where will this job take you? Location wise, emotionally, spiritually etc is it going to take you where you need to be?
Yes there will always be better out there to be honest, but an opportunity being better or fantastic does not necessarily make it good for you.
The second school, the scared ones, they are afraid to step out of their comfort zone. They take their time to make decisions and stick with said decisions through thick and thin. These people are the logical ones, they are safe but this is not always the best. There are so many opportunities out there why ruin the spice of life by just sticking to one? They fight for their choices, for example if their current partner sucks they would rather fight for what is not there than move on to a new one. Don’t get me wrong I am all for fighting for a relationship, I have fought to keep a relationship when I didn’t even know where it was headed but you know, love and all that jazz. But yeah, sometimes you have to recognize when to throw in the towel, do it and hope for the best what is yours will be yours, what is not however you just have to move on.
Yes your current job pays one hell of a salary, the added perks hmmm, second to none but sometimes you do need to evaluate your life and if said job is not bringing fulfillment maybe it really is time to move on. When you make a choice and realize that it was a wrong one, do not be ashamed to retrace your steps and make the right one.
These two schools are not wrong, infact their formula has worked for them and they are living good lives, but you see they can live great and fantastic lives if only they can reach a balance. Yes there will always be better and tons of opportunities will come your way, but you have to make a choice and watch it play out, if you are always seeking you may lose what is yours and by the time you realize it may be too late to retrace. I am not asking that you buy a box and sit in it with a throne, but be patient with what ever choice you have made, be sure that it makes you happy or not, if it makes you happy just work on improving and upgrading not jump ship at the slightest whiff of a better opportunity. Happiness should be your goal. Remaining in a safe environment may seem to be a wise choice but you have to step out into the world sometimes, if a choice you have made is not working out as planned or does not bring you fulfillment, do not be afraid to step into the world and pick something new. This life we are living is not a dress rehearsal, this is it, this is really it. If you believe in the after life that is ok, but remember that the after life will be way different from the life we have in this world. So don’t go about thinking this is a dress rehearsal and whatever you don’t do now you will do later or in another life.
Do what makes you happy, take chances and learn to recognize what makes you happy and stick with it. We can plan and plot and scheme on how we think our lives should be, but we need to take stock sometimes to think about if that is what will make you happy. Life will throw curveballs when you least expect it and if you are in an unhappy place to begin with how will you handle them? Trust me, money does not make that ache go away. Your state of mind is the foundation of your life, if you are in a happy place you will be fulfilled and even when things go bad it will be easier for you to bounce back. Make a choice you are proud of. It is good to seek advice but let it be a guiding light and not your final destination if you are not ok with it. Before I make a choice I sometimes ask for advice especially when I have tried to do so on my own and still remained a little confused, listening to somebody else might clear the fog and make the path to your choice clearer.
Be happy, make the right choice today.