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Fallen angel

She could feel the heat, the pain, she had never felt this sensation before and it hurt, she felt like parts of her were fading away. “what is happening?” she thought. The last thing she remembered was her looking down on the fascinating creatures they called humans. She loved to stand on the edge of the kingdom to see what they were up to down below. Human beings fascinated her, they loved, they fought, they were kind but they could be wicked, so wicked.

She had been warned by her commander not to go to the edge of the kingdom all alone as it was dangerous and strange things had been happening, angels were unaccounted for, she didn’t listen. She was free to do as she pleased and her hobby was hers to enjoy and savour all alone.

As she peered down, she felt something move behind her, she turned around but didn’t see anyone, she thought her wings fluttered on their own from excitement. He was there, he could smell her, he could feel her wings, the wings that he could not wait to have. Since she loved her humans, he might as well help her, send her to them and of what use will her wings be down below. He signalled to the others, on cue they grabbed her wings and in one fell swoop, the wings were off and her blood splattered on his face, he licked it and enjoyed the taste, her screams were music to his ears a nice harmony to listen to as he tasted her naivety and in that sweet moment he kicked her off the edge.

As she fell, she thought about the life she was leaving behind, will they miss her? where was she going? her tears formed stars as she fell, what will become of her? her hopes to become commander. She felt something else, “is this pain?” she couldn’t imagine what will become of her.

As she penetrated earth, she could see a bright and orange light surround her . It didn’t help her see clearly, rather it made everything cloudy, her tears intensified. There was a loud thud, the orange light was all around her, it was moving, she tried to touch it but it hurt too much, she screamed from the pain, the anguish. All of a sudden she was scared, where was she? She tried to move her wings, nothing happened, she tried to touch her wings but she felt something wet and she looked at her hand and saw blood. She was scared and all alone in a dark place surrounded by FIRE, at that moment she realised the orange light around her was fire and she let out an agonising scream. She cried and screamed even more when she remembered her life would never remain the same.

Then she heard it, “ what is that ?” she thought, then she heard it again, she heard the waves, “is that….. water?!” then she looked into the darkness and saw it, water, and she realized where she was, on earth, her beloved earth. In a second, she went through different emotions, sadness, happiness, weariness, fear. What will become of her? She decided to cool off in the water as she wondered what was to become of her in the land of her beloved humans.

Photographer : Tobbinator Instagram @tobbinator

Make up: Ara by Laide Instagram @arabylaide

Tatoos : Rudolph Okuonghae Instagram @roodymonark

Model: Daala Oruwari Instagram daalaoruwari

Creative direction and Writing : Funke Afolabi instagram @funkeafolabi


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